Aquatics is Back!

Picture of the main pool from the deep end

Are you interested in swimming, improving your skills, or taking aquatic wellness and personal enrichment courses? If so, you've come to the right place.

We offer a variety of aquatic classes that are open to the College community and the general public. All aquatic courses are offered in our Robert I. Bickford Natatorium on our main Largo campus.

Learn how to get started and view our course descriptions below.

Course Descriptions

SWM 309 Adult Beginner

Join the Adult Beginner Swim course and take the first step towards becoming a confident and capable swimmer in a safe and supportive environment!

Adult Beginner is a swimming course offered to help orient students to the aquatic environment and help them gain basic aquatic skills. Topics include water entry and exit, breath control, submerging, floating and gliding on their front and back, and treading in chest-deep water. Students will also be introduced to leg actions at this level. Through the various lessons, students will begin to develop skills, increased confidence, and safe practices around water. Due to the number of skills introduced and taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level before moving on to intermediate-level swimming courses.


Course Objectives

  • Feel more comfortable and relaxed in an aquatic environment.
  • Overcome fear and anxiety that can be associated with water.
  • Practice and perform fundamental swimming techniques, such as proper breathing and treading water.
  • Learn basic floating techniques while swimming.
  • Improve water safety awareness.
  • Build endurance and strength while having fun.

What to Bring

  • Swim suit
  • Towel
  • Goggles and swim cap (optional)
  • Water (to stay hydrated)
SWM 310 Adult Intermediate

Join the Adult Intermediate Swim course and take your swimming skills to the next level, enhancing your technique, endurance, and overall confidence in the water!

This level builds on fundamental aquatic skills learned in SWM-309. Participants must be comfortable in chest-deep water, able to submerge their face in the water and perform a front crawl for 15 yards. This level builds on fundamental aquatic skills and swimming strokes, including water entry and exit, breath control, submerging, floating/gliding on their front and back, and treading in chest-deep water. This course will introduce the front crawl, breaststroke, and back crawl. Participants will be taught the skills and concepts needed to stay safe in and around water to help themselves or others in an aquatic emergency. Due to the number of skills taught in this course, participants may need to repeat this level.


Course Objectives

  • Improve stroke techniques and abilities, focusing on the mechanics of fundamental strokes such as freestyle (front crawl) and backstroke.
  • Refine breathing, floating, and gliding techniques.
  • Swim for longer intervals, resulting in increased muscular endurance and cardiovascular health.
  • Expand knowledge of water safety and life-saving skills.
  • Highlight the physical and mental health benefits of swimming.

What to Bring

  • Swim suit
  • Towel
  • Goggles and swim cap (optional)
  • Water (to stay hydrated)
SWM 345 Deep Water Aerobics

Deep Water Aerobics is an invigorating and high-energy fitness course held in the swimming pool's deep end. Designed for individuals of all fitness levels, it provides participants with a low-impact and high-resistance workout that utilizes the buoyancy and resistance of water to perform various exercises. Participants who take this course will increase their endurance, strengthen and tone muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular health. 


Course Objectives

  • Enjoy a gentle workout with water buoyancy, which reduces joint stress.
  • Engage muscle groups through low-impact resistance training — which is essential for toning muscles and increasing strength.
  • Perform exercises to increase your heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance.
  • Practice stretches and exercises in the water designed to increase motion range and flexibility.
  • Engage core muscles to improve balance and coordination.
  • Release body stress and tension while having fun.


  • Basic swimming skills.
  • Comfortability in deep water.
  • Clearance from a licensed physician if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or health concerns.

What to Bring

  • Swim suit
  • Towel
  • Water shoes (optional; for better traction)
  • Water (to stay hydrated)
SWM 346 Shallow Water Aerobics

Shallow Water Aerobics is an energizing and low-impact fitness course conducted in the swimming pool's shallow section. This course is ideal for individuals of all fitness levels, combining fun aerobic exercises with strength training and flexibility. This course provides participants with a high-resistance workout that utilizes the buoyancy and resistance of water to perform various exercises. Individuals who take this course may increase their endurance, improve joint health, strengthen and tone muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular health.


Course Objectives

  • Enjoy a gentle workout with water buoyancy, which reduces joint stress.
  • Engage muscle groups through low-impact resistance training — which is essential for toning muscles and increasing strength.
  • Perform exercises to increase your heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance.
  • Practice stretches and exercises in the water designed to increase motion range and flexibility.
  • Engage core muscles to improve balance and coordination.
  • Release body stress and tension while having fun.


  • Clearance from a licensed physician if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or health concerns.

What to Bring

  • Swim suit
  • Towel
  • Water shoes (optional; for better traction)
  • Water (to stay hydrated)
WLN 324 Aquatic Cycling

Join us for this exciting and effective fitness experience in our aquatic cycle fitness class with a stationary bike in the pool. This course combines the benefits of cycling with invigorating water resistance, providing a low-impact yet challenging exercise suitable for all fitness levels. Participants can strengthen, tone, and increase flexibility while having fun in a supportive environment.


Course Objectives

  • Improve cardiovascular endurance, heart, and lung function with water aerobics and cycling.
  • Use water resistance to tighten and tone muscles — including legs, glutes, and core muscles.
  • Increase flexibility and reduce joint pain.
  • Improve balance and coordination.
  • Utilize the calming properties of water combined with physical activity to reduce stress and improve mental health.

What to Bring

  • Swim suit
  • Bike or swim shorts
  • Towel
  • Water shoes
  • Water (to stay hydrated)

How to Get Started

Find a Course

Use Owl Link to find a course you want to take, then enter the course code numbers (e.g., SWM 300) to check availability. Check back often, as we are adding classes as soon as possible.

Start Your Registration

Click here to see registration details for continuing education courses. Visit Owl Link to get started or register in person at our main Largo campus in Bladen Hall, Room 126.

View Our Flyer

You can view or download our Aquatics and Swimming flyer to your device.

Questions? Contact Us

John Cullins, Aquatics Manager
Prince George's Community College

Wellness, Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Department | 301-546-0234