Honors Program FAQs

What is the Honors Program?

The Honors Program at Prince George’s Community college provides intellectual growth and enrichment, civic engagement, and personal development to academically outstanding students. The program offers a curriculum that challenges and support students through special Honors courses. Members of the college’s Honors Program are provided with many unique learning opportunities.

What are the benefits?

Some of the benefits of participating in the Honors Program include:

  • Classes that provide challenging course work and engaging class discussions;
  • The designation of Honors courses on students’ transcripts;
  • A Citation in Honors designation on eligible students’ transcripts;
  • Faculty mentors;
  • Academic advisement;
  • Membership for eligible students in Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society (Tau Pi Chapter);
  • Membership in the Honors Academy for eligible students;
  • The opportunity to meet, work, and socialize with other Honors students; and
  • Access to Honors Canvas site.
What are the qualifications to join the Honors Program?

Students are admitted to the Honors Program throughout the year based on their scores on the College’s placement examination, plus their high school or college Grade Point Average (GPA). Admission is open to full-time and part-time students. Students with a 3.2 cumulative GPA should strongly consider applying.

Students may schedule an appointment with the Honors Coordinator, Professor Reyniak Richards at richarr1@pgcc.edu. He can answer any questions about the program or student eligibility.

What is the difference between the Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)?

Both programs recognize academic excellence. The Honors Program requires a minimum cumulative GPA and requires completion of at least two Honors courses. The Honors Program is a Prince George's Community College program.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the International Honor Society for two-year colleges, and membership requires a minimum 3.5 GPA. Prince George's Community College has the Tau Pi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.

Contact Us

Honors Program Office
301-546-7530 | honors@pgcc.edu  
Fax: 301-546-0456

Lanham Hall, Room 102A
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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