Honors Program Mission

The mission of the Prince George's Community College Honors Program is to promote the intellectual growth and enrichment, civic engagement, and personal development of academically accomplished students.

Honors Program Objective

To provide academic challenge and support through Honors courses and unique opportunities, events, and benefits that enhance students' educational experiences.


Members of the College’s Honors Program are provided with many benefits, including:

  • Personalized academic advising.
  • Challenging coursework and engaging class discussions.
  • Honors course designations on transcripts.
  • Honors citations for eligible students.
  • Access to the Honors Canvas site, which highlights program activities and student achievements.
  • Membership in Phi Theta Kappa for eligible students.
  • Opportunities to connect and collaborate with other honors students.
  • Resume workshops.
  • Transfer and scholarship information sessions.
  • Scholarship preparation and support.
  • Access to the Honors Study Room.

Qualifications to Join and Maintain Eligibility

Students may be admitted to the Honors Program based on their college placement exam scores, high school or college grade-point average (GPA), and—for current college students—their transcripts in mathematics and English.

To determine your eligibility, complete the Honors program application located under Honors Program/Interested in Applying or visit the Honors Program office in Lanham Hall, Room 102A.

All Honors Program students must meet with an Honors Program advisor regularly and submit an academic agreement upon admission.

Note: Students who are not members of the Honors Program are not eligible to enroll in an Honors course.

Requirements for Incoming High School Students
  • Minimum 3.2 GPA; or
  • Accuplacer Reading minimum score 263 and WritePlacer minimum score 6; or
  • SAT Reading/Writing minimum score of 550 and Math minimum score of 500.
  • An unofficial high school transcript is required.
Requirements for current Prince George's Community College Students
  • Minimum 3.2 GPA.
  • Grade of A or B in EGL-1010.

Once admitted to the Honors Program, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher to enroll in honors courses and retain program membership benefits. Additionally, students must complete at least two honors courses or honors contracts while enrolled at the college.

The Honors Program offers honors versions of most general education requirements during the fall and spring semesters. Honors courses are not available during intersession or summer sessions. All program participants are required to sign and submit an Honors Program agreement.

Honors Program Outcomes

Students who complete the Honors Program will:

  • Synthesize ideas and concepts across multiple disciplines.
  • Analyze arguments deeply to well-reasoned conclusions.
  • Express ideas and concepts clearly and persuasively for specific audiences using various media.
  • Uphold appropriate and responsible scholarly standards of conduct.
  • Engage actively in civic participation as informed, independent adults.

Honors Society

Membership in the Honors Society is an excellent way to meet other students and get involved in college activities. Students who are admitted to the Honors Program automatically become members of the Honors Society. The Honors Society is continually seeking new members.

For more information, contact the Honors Program at honors@pgcc.edu or 301-546-7530.

Contact Us

Honors Program Office
301-546-7530 | honors@pgcc.edu  
Fax: 301-546-0456

Lanham Hall, Room 102A
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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